2002-2008年间在英国诺丁汉大学攻读硕士和博士学位,2009-2013年间在康奈尔大学从事博士后研究,2013年至今任香港中文大学教授,现任The Crop Journal副主编、Scientific Reports Journal编委。相关研究成果在Nature,Nature Biotechnology,Nature Plant,The Plant Cell, Molecular Plant等国际一流杂志上发表。
2. 表观-和果实发育机理的研究
1. 香港研究资助局项目:Chasing the genetic and epigenetic origin of the tomato fruit ripening mechanism,2019.1-2021.12
2. 香港研究资助局项目:AoE grant: Center for Genomic Studies on Plant-Environment Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security,2017.6-2025.5
3. 香港研究资助局项目:Pan-epigenome Analysis of Fruit Ripening,2017.1-2020.6
4. 香港研究资助局项目:Use the ripening gas ethylene and tomato as a model to investigate the molecular mechanism of tissue-specific hormone signaling,2016.1-2018.12
5. 香港研究资助局项目:EXPO and Autophagosome in Plants,2016.6-2018.6
6. 香港研究资助局项目:Epigenome reprogramming and chromatin accessibility during tomato fruit development,2014.10-2018.3
7. 香港研究资助局项目:Development of a plasma-based plant growth light for agricultural use,2015.7-2016.12
1. Lv P., Yu S., Zhu N., Chen Y., Zhou B., Pan Y., Tzeng D., Fabi J., Argyris J., Garcia-Mas J., Ye N., Zhang J., Grierson D.,Xiang J., Fei Z., Giovannoni J., Zhong S*. Genome encode analyses reveal the basis of convergent evolution of fleshy fruit ripening. Nat Plants. 2018, 4(10): 784-791.
2. Dong P., Tu X., Chu P.Y., Lv P., Zhu N., Grierson D., Du B., Li P., Zhong S*.3D chromatin architecture of large plant genomes determined by local A/B compartments. Mol. Plant. 2017, 10: 1497-1509.
3. Hu L, Li N, Xu C, Zhong S(共同第一), Lin X, Yang J, Zhou , Yuliang A, Wu Y, Chen YR, Cao X, Zemach A, Rustgi S, Wettstein D, Liu B. Mutation of a major CG methylase in rice causes genome-wide hypomethylation, dysregulated genome expression, and seedling lethality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014, 111(29): 10642-10647.
4. Zhong S., Fei Z., Chen Y.C., Zheng Y., Huang M., Vrebalov J., Gapper N., McQuinn R. Liu B., Xiang J., Shao, Y., Giovannoni J. Single-base resolution methylomes of tomato fruit development reveal epigenome modifications associated with ripening. Nature Biotechnology. 2013, 31:154-159.
通讯地址:EG12 Science Centre East,School of Life Sciences ,The Chinese University of Hong Kong