研究方向:养分资源管理(Nutrient Resource Management)
1. Liu BH, Chen XP*, Meng QF*, Yang HS, van Wart J. 2017. Estimating maize yield potential and yield gap with agro-climatic zones in China—Distinguish irrigated and rainfed conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239, 108-117. (SCI)
2. Meng QF, Wang HF, Yan P, Pan JX, Lu, DJ, Cui, ZL, Zhang FS, Chen XP* .2017. Designing a new cropping system for high productivity and sustainable water usage under climate change. Scientific Reports, 7, 41587. (SCI)
3. Guo JM, Wang YH, Blaylock AD, Chen XP*. 2017. Mixture of controlled release and normal urea to optimize nitrogen management for high-yielding (> 15 Mgha− 1) maize. Field Crops Research, 204, 23-30. (SCI)
4. Yan P, Pan JX, Zhang WJ, Shi JF, Chen XP, Cui ZL*.2017. A high plant density reduces the ability of maize to use soil nitrogen. PloS one, 12(2), e 0172717. (SCI)
5. Liu DY, Zhang W, Yan P, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2017. Soil application of zinc fertilizer could achieve high yield and high grain zinc concentration in maize. Plant and Soil, 411(1-2), 47-55. (SCI)
6. Zhang W, Liu DY, Liu YM, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Overuse of phosphorus fertilizer reduces the grain and flour protein contents and zinc bioavailability of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(8), 1473-1482. (SCI)
7. Liu DY, Liu YM, Zhang W, Chen XP, Zou CQ*. 2017. Agronomic Approach of Zinc Biofortification Can Increase Zinc Bioavailability in Wheat Flour and thereby Reduce Zinc Deficiency in Humans. Nutrients, 9(5), 465. (SCI)
8. Liu DY, Zhang W, Pang LL, Zhang YQ, Wang XZ, Liu YM, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Zou CQ*. 2017. Effects of zinc application rate and zinc distribution relative to root distribution on grain yield and grain Zn concentration in wheat. Plant and Soil, 1-12. (SCI)
9. Zhang W, Chen XX, Liu YM, Liu DY, Chen XP, Zou CQ. 2017. Zinc uptake by roots and accumulation in maize plants as affected by phosphorus application and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. Plant and Soil, 413(1-2), 59-71. (SCI)
10.Zhang W, Liu DY, Li C, Chen XP, Zou CQ. 2017. Accumulation, partitioning, and bioavailability of micronutrients in summer maize as affected by phosphorus supply. European Journal of Agronomy, 86, 48-59. (SCI)
11.Deng Y, Feng G, Chen XP, Zou CQ. 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization is considerable at optimal Olsen-P levels for maximized yields in an intensive wheat-maize cropping system. Field Crops Research, 209, 1-9. (SCI)
1. Cui ZL, Vitousek PM, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2016. Strengthening Agronomy Research for Food Security and Environmental Quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 50:1639−1641 (SCI)
2. Meng QF, Chen XP*, Lobell DB, Cui ZL, Zhang Y ,Yang HS, Zhang FS. Growing sensitivity of maize to water scarcity under climate change. Scientific Reports, 6: 10.1038/srep19605 (SCI)
3. Zhan A , Zou CQ, Ye YL, Liu ZH, Cui ZL*, Chen XP. 2016. Estimating on-farm wheat yield response to potassium and potassium uptake requirement in China. Field Crops Research,191: 13-19 (SCI)
4. Lu DJ, Yue SC, Lu FF, Cui ZL*, Liu ZH, Zou CQ, Chen XP. 2016. Integrated crop-N system management to establish high wheat yield population. Field Crops Research, 191:66-74 (SCI)
5. Meng QF, Yue SC , Hou P, Cui ZL*, Chen XP. 2016. Improving Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Simultaneously for Maize and Wheat in China: A Review. Pedosphere, 26(2):137-147 (SCI)
6. Yan P , Yue SC, Meng QF , Pan JX, Ye YL, Chen XP, Cui ZL*. 2016. Understanding of the Accumulation of Biomass and Nitrogen is Benefit for Chinese Maize Production. Agronomy Journal,108(2): 895-904 (SCI)
7. Guo JM, Wang YH, Fan TL, Chen XP, Cui ZL*. 2016. Designing Corn Management Strategies for High Yield and High Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Agronomy Journal, 108(2): 922-929 (SCI)
8. Zhang W, Liu D Y, Liu Y M, Cui Z L, Chen X P, Zou C Q. 2016. Zinc uptake and accumulation in winter wheat relative to changes in root morphology and mycorrhizal colonization following varying phosphorus application on calcareous soil. Field Crops Research 197: 74-82 (SCI)
1. Bu LD, Chen XP*, Li SQ , Liu JL, Zhu L, Luo SS, Hill RL, Zhao Y. 2015. The effect of adapting cultivars on the water use efficiency of dryland maize (Zea mays L.) in northwestern China. Agricultural water management, 148: 1-9(SCI)
2. Zhao Y, Chen XP, Cui ZL, Lobell DB. 2015. Using satellite remote sensing to understand maize yield gaps in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research.183:31-42(SCI)
3. Wu LQ, Cui ZL*, Chen XP , Yue SC, Sun YX , Zhao RF , Deng Y , Zhang W, Chen KR. 2015.Change in phosphorus requirement with increasing grain yield for Chinese maize production. Field Crops Research.180:216-220(SCI)
4. Liu JL , Zhan A , Chen H , Luo SS, Bu LD, Chen XP, Li SQ. 2015. Response of nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrate dynamics to soil mulching in dryland maize (Zea mays L.) fields. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems,101(2): 271-283(SCI)
5 Lu DJ, Lu FF, Pan JX, Cui ZL, Zou CQ , Chen XP , He MR, Wang ZL. 2015. The effects of cultivar and nitrogen management on wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency in the North China Plain, field crops research,171:157-164(SCI)
6. Wu L, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Wang GL, Zhang WF. 2015. Improving nitrogen management via a regional management plan for Chinese rice production. Environmental Research Letters, 10(9): DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/095011(SCI)
7. Lu DJ, Lu FF, Pan JX , Cui ZL*, Zou CQ , Chen XP, He MR , Wang ZL. 2015. Manure limits wheat yield losses due to delayed seeding. Agronomy Journal.107(6): 2294-2302(SCI)
8. Yu, K , Gnyp, ML , Gao, CL, Miao, YX, Chen, XP, Bareth, G. 2015. Estimate Leaf Chlorophyll of Rice Using Reflectance Indices and Partial Least Squares. Photogrammetrie fernerkundung geoinformation, 1 : 45-54(SCI)
9. Zhan A , Chen XP, Li SQ*, Cui ZL. 2015. Changes in Phosphorus Requirement with Increasing Grain Yield for Winter Wheat. Agronomy Journal, 107(6): 2003-2010(SCI)
10. Zhang W , Liu DY, Li C , Cui ZL, Chen XP, Russell Y , Zou CQ*. 2015. Zinc accumulation and remobilization in winter wheat as affected by phosphorus application. FIELD CROPS RESEARCH, 184: 155-161(SCI)
11. Yan P, Zhang Q, Shuai XF, Pan JX, Zhang WJ, Shi JF, Wang M, Chen XP, Cui z L*. 2015. Interaction between plant density and nitrogen management strategy in improving maize grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency on the North China Plain. Journal of Agricultural Science,1-11(SCI)
1. Chen XP, Cui ZL, Fan MS. 2014. Producing more grain with lower environmental costs, Nature, 514, 486-489 (SCI)
2. Deng Y, Chen KR, Teng W, Zhan A, Tong YP, Feng G, Cui ZL, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2014. Is the Inherent Potential of Maize Roots Efficient for Soil Phosphorus Acquisition? PLoS ONE 9(3):1-9(SCI)
3. Meng QF, Hou P, Lobell D B, Wang HF, Cui ZL, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2014. The benefits of recent warming for maize production in high latitude China. Climatic change, 122(1-2):341-349), (SCI)
4. Cui ZL, Wang GL, Yue SC, Wu L, Zhang, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2014. Closing the N use efficiency gap to achieve food and environmental security. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 5780−5787. (SCI)
5. Cui ZL, Ye YL, M WQ, Chen XP*, Zhang FS. 2014. Trade-offs between high yields and greenhouse gas emissions inirrigation wheat cropland in China, Biogeosciences, 11, 2287–2294, IF= 3.753(SCI)
6. Wu L, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Zhang WF, Zhang FS. 2014. Establishing for a Regional Nitrogen Application Rate to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity from Intensive Smallholder Maize Production. PLOSone, 9(5). IF=3.534 (SCI)
7. Wang GL, Ye YL, Chen XP, Cui ZL*. 2014. Determining the optimal nitrogen rate integrating agronomic, economic and environmental aspects for summer maize in China. Biogeosciences. (SCI)
8. Wang GL, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Yue SC Zhang FS. 2014. Estimated reactive nitrogen losses for intensive maize production in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 197, 293–300 (SCI)
9. Lu DJ, Yan P, Lu FF, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Zou CQ, Zhang FS. 2014. Elucidating population establishment associated with N management and cultivars for wheat production in China. Field Crops Research, 163:81-89. (SCI)
10. Wu LQ, Cui ZL*, Chen XP, Zhao RF, Si DX, Sun YX, Yue SC. 2014. High-Yield Maize Production in Relation to Potassium Uptake Requirements in China. Agronomy Journal, 106(4):1153-1158, (SCI)
11. Yue SC, Sun FuL, Meng QF, Zhao RF, L F, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Cui ZL*. 2014. Validation of a Critical Nitrogen Curve for Summer Maize in the North China Plain. Pedosphere. 24(1): 76–83, (SCI)
12. Yan P, Yue SC, Qiu ML, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Chen FJ. 2014. Using maize hybrids and in-season nitrogen management to improve grain yield and grain nitrogen concentrations. Field Crops Research, 166:38-45 DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr. 2014.06.012(SCI)
13. Liu JL, Bu LD, Zhu L, Luo SS, Chen XP, Li SQ*. 2014. Optimizing Plant Density and Plastic Film Mulch to Increase Maize Productivity and Water-Use Efficiency in Semiarid Areas. Agronomy Journal, 106 (4): 1138-1146 DOI: 10.2134/agronj13.0582 (SCI)
14. Liu JL, Zhu L, Luo SS, Bu LD, Chen XP, Yue SC , Li SQ* . 2014. Response of nitrous oxide emission to soil mulching and nitrogen fertilization in semi-arid farmland. Agriculture Ecosystems Environment, 188: 20-28 .DOI: 10.1016/j.agee. 2014.02.010(SCI)
15. Liu JL, Zhan A, Bu LD, Zhu L, Luo SS, Chen XP, Cui ZL, Li SQ*, Hill RL, Zhao Y. 2014. Understanding Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation for High-Yielding Film-Mulched Maize. Agronomy Journal, 106(2): 390-396 DOI:10.2134/agronj2013.0404 (SCI)
16. Bu LD, Liu JL, Zhu L, Luo SS, Chen XP, Li SQ*. 2014. Attainable yield achieved for plastic film-mulched maize in response to nitrogen deficit. European Journal Of Agronomy, 55: 53-62(SCI)
17. Zhan A, Chen XP, Li SQ*. 2014. The combination of localized phosphorus and water supply indicates a high potential for savings of irrigation water and phosphorus fertilizer. Journal of plant nutrition and soil science, 177( 6): 884-891(SCI)
18. Xue Y F, Yue S C, Zhang W, Liu D Y, Cui Z L, Chen X P, Ye Y L, Zou C Q (2014) Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Copper Uptake Requirement in Response to Nitrogen Supply and the Increased Grain Yield of Summer Maize. Plos One 9: e93895(SCI)
19. Xue Y F, Zhang W, Liu D Y, Yue S C, Cui Z L, Chen X P, Zou C Q (2014) Effects of nitrogen management on root morphology and zinc translocation from root to shoot of winter wheat in the field. Field Crops Research 161: 38-45(SCI)
1. Zhang FS, Chen XP, Vitousek P. 2013. An experiment for the world. Nature,497(7447): 33-35(SCI)
2. Cui ZL, Yue SC, Wang GL, Meng QF, Wu L, Yang ZP, Zhang Q, Li SQ, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2013. Closing the yield gap could reduce projected greenhouse gas emissions: a case study of maize production in China. Global Change Biology, 19(8): 2467-77(SCI)
3. Cui ZL, Chen XP*, and Zhang FS. 2013. Development of Regional Nitrogen Rate Guidelines for Intensive Cropping Systems in China. Agronomy Journal, 105(5): 1411-1416(SCI)
4. Cui ZL, Yue SC, Wang GL, Zhang FS, Chen XP*. 2013. In-season root-zone N management for mitigating greenhouse gas emission and reactive N losses in intensive wheat production. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(11): 6015-6022(SCI)
5. Yu K, Li F, Gnyp ML*, Miao YX, Bareth G, Chen XP*. 2013. Remotely detecting canopy nitrogen concentration and uptake of paddy rice in the Northeast China Plain. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.78: 102-115(SCI)
6. Meng QF, Hou P, Wu L, Chen XP*, Cui ZL, Zhang FS. 2013. Understanding production potentials and yield gaps in intensive maize production in China. Field Crops Research, 143: 91-97(SCI)
7. Wu LQ, Ma WQ, Zhang CC, Wu L, Zhang WF, Jiang RF, Zhang FS , Cui ZL*, Chen XP. 2013. Current potassium-management status and grain-yield response of Chinese maize to potassium application. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176(3): 441-44(SCI)
8. Zhang SS, Yue SC, Yan P, Qiu ML, Chen XP, Cui ZL*. 2013. Testing the suitability of the end-of-season stalk nitrate test forsummer corn (Zea mays L.) production in China. Field Crops Research, 1-5
9. Meng QF, Yue SC, Chen XP, Cui ZL*, Ye, YL, Ma WQ, Tong YN, Zhang FS. 2013. Understanding dry matter and nitrogen accumulation with time-course for high-yielding wheat production in china. PLoS ONE, 8: 768-783(SCI)
1. Hou P , Gao Q , Xie RZ , Li SK , Meng QF , Kirkby EA , Romheld V , Muller T , Zhang FS , Cui ZL* , Chen XP* . 2012. Grain yields in relation to N requirement: Optimizing nitrogen management for spring maize grown in China. Field Crops Research, 129:1-6 (SCI)
2. Yue SC,Meng QF, Zhao RF, Li F, Chen XP, Zhang FS, Cui ZL*.2012. Critical nitrogen dilution curve for optimizing N management of winter wheat production in the North China Plain. Agronomy Journal, 104: 523-529 (SCI)
3. Yue SC, Meng QF, Zhao RF, Ye YL, Zhang FS, Cui ZL*, Chen XP*. 2012. Change in nitrogen requirement with increasing grain yield for winter wheat. Agronomy Journal, 104: 1687-1693. (SCI)
4. Zhang Y, Hou P, Gao Q , Chen XP , Zhang FS , Cui ZL* . 2012. On-Farm Estimation of Nutrient Requirements for Spring Corn in North China. Agronomy Journal, 104: 1436-1442(SCI)
5. Meng QF, Chen XP, Zhang FS , Cao MH , Cui ZL* , Bai JS , Yue SC , Chen SY , Muller T . 2012. In-Season Root-Zone Nitrogen Management Strategies for Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in High-Yielding Maize Production in China. Pedosphere, 22: 294-303(SCI)
6. Meng QF,Sun QP , Chen XP , Cui ZL* , Yue SC , Zhang FS , Romheld V . 2012. Alternative cropping systems for sustainable water and nitrogen use in the North China Plain. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 146: 93-102(SCI)
7. Zhang FS* , Cui ZL , Chen XP , Ju XT , Shen JB ,Chen Q ,Liu XJ, Zhang WF, Mi GH , Fan MS , Jiang RF . 2012. Chapter One - Integrated nutrient management for food security and environmental quality in China. Advances in Agronomy, 116: 1-40(SCI)
8. Cao N , Chen XP ,Cui ZL* , Zhang FS.2012.Change in soil available phosphorus in relation to the phosphorus budget in China. Nutrient Cycling In Agroecosystems, 94(2-3):161-170(SCI)
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中国自然资源学会 优秀科技奖 第一完成人(2015年)
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