1)国家自然科学基金:虫菌体特异表面蛋白与球孢白僵菌逃避昆虫免疫识别的关系及作用机制(31672080, 2017-2020)主持
2)国家自然科学基金:负调节球孢白僵菌氧化胁迫反应的Bbtmp1基因转录调控子鉴定及其调控作用(31371993, 2014-2017)主持
3)国家自然科学基金:Bbhog1调控昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌水分胁迫反应的分子基础(31171902, 2012-2015)主持
4)国家自然科学基金:影响球孢白僵菌穿透昆虫体壁的BbMPK1 MAPK下游基因研究(30871668, 2009-2011)主持
5)国家高技术发展研究计划(863):真菌、病毒类生物杀虫剂研究与产品创制(2011AA10A204-4, 2011-2015)任务负责人
6)国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”课题:害虫生防真菌致病与抗逆的分子机理、遗传改良及应用(2009CB118904, 2009-2013)任务负责人
7)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划:昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌虫菌体表面蛋白与逃避昆虫免疫的关系(NCET-11-0706, 2012-2014)主持
8)教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类):一个跨膜蛋白Bbtmp1与昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌氧化胁迫反应及侵染致病的关系(20120182110021, 2013-2015)主持
9)重庆市首批高等学校优秀人才支持计划:利用MAPK信号途径研究球孢白僵菌抗逆相关基因 (20600206, 2009-2010)主持
10)重庆市科委自然科学基金:Slt2同源信号途径与杀虫真菌球孢白僵菌侵染致病的关系(CSTC2011BB1006, 2011-2014)主持
11)国家高技术研究发展计划“863”项目:高效安全重组杀虫生物农药的研制与中试研究(2002AA245021, 2002-2005)主持
12)国家自然科学基金:亲环蛋白BbCYCL-1在球孢白僵菌侵染致病过程中的作用(30471174, 2005-2007)主持
13)国家自然科学基金:羧基转运蛋白BbJEN1与球孢白僵菌毒力的关系(30300235, 2004-2006)主持
14)国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”课题:球孢白僵菌侵染与抗逆相关功能基因研究(2003CB114203, 2003-2008)骨干研究人员
1) Luo Z., Ren H., Mousa J.J., Rangel D.,Zhang Y., Bruner S.D., Keyhani N.O. The PacC transcription factor regulates secondary metabolite production, stress response, but has only minor effects on virulence in the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Environ Microbiol. 2017, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13648.
2) Yang Z., Jiang H., Zhao X., Lu Z., Luo Z., Li X., Zhao J., Zhang Y.* Correlation of cell surface proteins of distinct Beauveria bassiana cell types and adaption to varied environment and interaction with the host insect. Fungal Genet. Biol. 2017, 99:13-25.
3) He Z., Luo L., Keyhani N.O., Yu X., Ying S., Zhang Y.* The C-terminal MIR-containing region in the Pmt1 O-mannosyltransferase restrains sporulation and is dispensable for virulence in Beauveria bassiana. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-016-7894-9. 2017, 101(3):1143-1161.
4) Zhou Y., Keyhani N.O., Zhang Y., Luo Z., Fan Y., Li Y., Zhou Q., Chen J., Pei Y. Dissection of the contributions of cyclophilin genes to development and virulence in a fungal insect pathogen. Environ Microbiol. 2016, 18(11):3812-3826.
5) Wang Y., Song X., Zhang Y., Wang B., Zou X. Effects of nitrogen availability on polymalic acid biosynthesis in the yeast-like fungusAureobasidium pullulans. Microb. Cell Fact. 2016, 15:146
6) Huang S., He Z., Zhang S., Keyhani N.O., Song Y., Yang Z., Jiang Y., Zhang W., Pei Y., Zhang Y.* Interplay between calcineurin and the Slt2 MAP-kinase in mediating cell wall integrity, conidiation and virulence in the insect fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana. Fungal Genet. Biol. 2015, 83: 78-91.
7) He Z., Zhang S., Keyhani N.O., Song Y., Huang S., Pei Y., Zhang Y.* A novel mitochondrial membrane protein, Ohmm, limits fungal oxidative stress resistance and virulence in the insect fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana. Environ. Microbiol. 2015, 17 (11): 4213–4238.
8) Zhou Y., Hou L., Zhang Y., Fan Y., Luo Z., Jin D., Zhou Q., Li Y., Wang Y., Pei Y. Expression and promoter characterization of BbPacC, a pH response transcription factor gene of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Microbiol-SGM, 2014, 160, 353–361.
9) Luo X., Keyhani N.O., Yu X., He Z., Luo Z., Pei Y., Zhang Y.* The MAP kinase Bbslt2 controls growth, conidiation, cell wall integrity, and virulence in the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Fungal Genet. Biol. 2012, 49: 544–555.
10) Zhang Y., Zhang J., Jiang X., Wang G., Luo Z., Fan Y., Wu Z., Pei Y. Requirement of a mitogen-activated protein kinase for appressorium formation and penetration of insect cuticle by the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Appl.Environ. Microbiol. 2010, 76: 2262–2270.
11) Zhang Y., Zhao J., Fang W., Zhang J., Luo Z., Zhang M., Fan Y., Pei Y. Mitogen-activated protein kinase hog1 in the entomopathogenic fungusBeauveria bassiana regulates environmental stress responses and virulence to insects. Appl. Environmen. Microbiol. 2009, 75: 3787–3795.
12) Zhang Y., Li Z., Luo Z., Zhang J., Fan Y., Pei Y. Light stimulates conidiation of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Biocontrol Sci. Techn. 2009, 19: 91–101.
13) Zhang Y., Feng M., Fan Y., Luo Z., Yang X., Wu D., Pei Y. A cuticle-degrading protease (CDEP-1) of Beauveria bassiana enhances virulence.Biocontrol Sci. Techn. 2008, 18: 557–569.
14) Jin K., Zhang Y., Luo Z., Xiao Y., Fan Y., Wu D., Pei Y. An improved method for Beauveria bassiana transformation using phosphinothricin acetlytransferase and green fluorescent protein fusion gene as a selectable and visible marker. Biotechnol. Lett. 2008, 30: 1379–1383. (equalcontribution to this work)
15) Gao Q., Jin K., Ying S-H., Zhang Y., Xiao G., Shang Y., Duan Z., Hu X., Xie X-Q., Zhou G., Peng G., Luo Z., Huang W., Wang B., Fang W., Wang S., Zhong Y., Ma L-J., St. Leger RJ., Zhao G-P., Pei Y., Feng M-G., Xia Y., Wang C. Genome sequencing and comparative transcriptomics of the model entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and M. acridum. PLoS Genetics 2011, 7: 1-18 (equal contribution authors)
16) Zhou Y., Zhang Y., Luo Z., Fan Y., Tang G., Liu L., Pei Y. Selection of optimal reference genes for expression analysis in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana during development, under changing nutrient conditions, and after exposure to abiotic stresses. Appl. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 2012, 93(2):679-685.
17) Jin K., Luo Z., Jiang X., Zhang Y., Zhou Y., Pei Y. Carbon catabolite repressor gene BbCre1 influences carbon source uptake but does not have a big impact on virulence in Beauveria bassiana. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 2011, 106: 400–406.
18) Jin K., Zhang Y., Fang W., Luo Z., Zhou Y., Pei Y. Carboxylate transporter gene JEN1 from the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is involved in conidiation and virulence. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2010, 76: 254–263.
19) Fan Y., Zhang Y., Yang X., Pei X., Guo S., Pei Y. Expression of a Beauveria bassiana chitinase (Bbchit1) in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris.Protein Expres. Purif. 2007, 56: 93–99.
20) Liao X., Zhang Y., Fan Y., Ma J., Zhou Y., Jin D., Pei Y. An ethanol inducible alc system for regulating gene expression in Beauveria bassiana.World J. Microb. Biot. 2009, 25: 2065–2069.
21) Fang W., Zhang Y., Yang X., Pei Y. Transformation of Beauveria bassiana mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 2004, 85: 18–24.
*Corresponding author
1)张永军,何张江,罗林丽,罗志兵,范艳华,裴炎. 一种利用基因操作提高球孢白僵菌分生孢子产量和毒力的方法 (申请号:201510466294.1;IPC分类号: C11 2N 15/80)
2)张永军,何张江,罗志兵,裴炎,范艳华. 一种利用基因工程提高球孢白僵菌高渗、氧化胁迫抗性和毒力的方法 (专利号:ZL201210516164.0; IPC分类号: C12N15/31(2006.01)I;授权日:2014-08-20)
3)张永军,裴炎,杨星勇,方卫国. 一种杀虫真菌分生孢子的液体保存方法 (专利号:ZL01124159.4; IPC分类号: A01N63/00;授权日:2004-03-10)
4)张永军,罗志兵,裴炎. 一种真菌孢子可湿性粉剂 (专利号:ZL 200510080659.3; IPC分类号: A01N63/04(2006.01)I;授权日:2007-02-07)
5)张永军,裴炎,罗志兵,彭荣. 通过降低培养基的水活度生产杀虫真菌液体种子和分生孢子的方法 (专利号:ZL200510085036.5; IPC分类号: C12N1/04(2006.01) ;授权日:2008-03-12)
6)裴炎,范艳华,张永军,方卫国. 重组丝氨酸蛋白酶及含有其的杀虫真菌剂 (专利号:ZL 200510114696.1; IPC分类号: C12N9/50(2006.01);授权日:2007-06-20)
7)范艳华,裴炎,杨琳芝,张永军,金丹,罗志兵,李先碧. 重组丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制子、真菌表达载体及其杀虫真菌剂(专利号:ZL201210582112.3; IPC分类号: C07K14/81(2006.01)I; 授权日:2014-09-10)